Demystifying the Law of Assumption: Your Faith is Your Fortune

I am writing today in hopes that I can share Law of Assumption principles  in a way that helps gives you a better understanding so that you can improve your life.

Wed Jun 19, 2024

Demystifying the Law of Assumption

"I AM that in which all my conceptions of myself live and move and have their being, and apart from which they are not."

- Neville Goddard, Your Faith is Your Fortune

I stumbled onto Neville Goddard’s content and was immediately hooked but also found it rather confusing to read. And when I say rather confusing, I mean I did not understand it at all - it was as if I was reading another language.

In time, I started to understand it and not only understand it but started to see it play out in my own life. As I began to look for the truth in the world around me, I could not help but see law of assumptions principles in everything I did and in every experience I had. It was as if there was this inner desire in me that wanted me to see how it all works and I kept returning to Neville’s works until they made sense.

I am writing today in hopes that I can share these principles in a way that helps you make sense of a piece you may have felt alluded you for some time or gives you a better understanding so that you can improve your life.

Today I’d like to start with Your Faith is Your Fortune. This book started as one of my least favorites of his but has quickly moved up to be one I keep returning to. Although, even in just reading the first chapter today I was reminded why I found his content a bit confusing when I first got started.

If you’d like to read for yourself, you can find the full content here.

The book starts with,

“In the beginning was the unconditioned awareness of being, and the unconditioned awareness of being became conditioned by imagining itself to be something, and the unconditioned awareness of being became that which it had imagined itself to be; so did creation begin.”

To understand this more and see how this ties into you improving your own life, everything started with just knowing that you are. You are here, you are a being, you are aware of being and there is nothing conditioned or assigned to that being. You have not yet assigned the rest of the I am, you have not assigned the condition or belief to the I am. You just are. Which is a beautiful place to be, everything you could ever imagine is available to you.

To put it simply, creation is you conditioning who you have decided you actually are. It is completing the sentence of I am.

And not just what you say out loud but what you actually believe and feel true of yourself.

Your I am = your state = your identity.

Cecilia Hendrix
My mission is rather simple: to empower you to make lasting and positive change in your life using spiritual based and science backed tools. I focus on your personal self-concept, improving your self-esteem, changing the way your inner voice talks to you and about you, and understanding your power over your destiny.

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